Trish McEvoy: The Power of Makeup: Looking Your Level Best at Every Age

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SKU: 93047

Trish McEvoy has created one of today's most successful skincare and makeup brands by listening to women's needs and empowering them to take control of their own beauty.

product details

Trish McEvoy: The Power of Makeup offers a revolutionary system to unlock the secret to your makeup style.


Learn if you are a Level 1,2, or 3, and then follow Trish's step-by-step instructions for creating your unique look and organizing your routine to fit your busy lifestyle.


What's Your Level?
Level One: Makeup is not a driving passion in your life. You live in casual clothing and you love the natural, simple look. Trish will help you find the bare necessities you need.
Level Two: For you, makeup is a lot like putting on clothes; it's an everyday essential. You wear makeup like a second skin. You feel more comfortable and confident with how you look in makeup than without it. Trish will help you refine your look.
Level Three: For you, makeup is a means of expression. You like to play and have fun with it and you're game to try false eyelashes and other high-impact effects. Trish will show you how to pull out all the stops for your most glamorous look.
